97 year old Carl Reiner has been a comedic icon for more than 70 years. In 2017, he hosted an HBO documentary featuring him along with other famous people in their nineties. Among them was Mel Brooks, Dick Van Dyke, and actress Betty White. All of these celebrities have something very special in common. Their sense of humor. They truly believe that humor has enriched their lives and boosted their longevity. The psychological and physiological effects of laughter and humor are clear to see. Especially as we age.

The Washington Post discusses how important laughter is. There is so much scientific evidence backing up the fact that laughter is good for us. Just by laughing, we stimulate oxygenation to the heart, lungs, and muscles. It also stimulates the brain to release more endorphins. This leads to lowered blood pressure, pain relief, and improved mood. It can even give the immune system a boost.

But even for those who are already dealing with illness, even a terminal one, can benefit from laughter. Edward Creagan is a professor of oncology at the Mayo Clinic. He states that some of the funniest patients he’s met were those dying of cancer. He knows that laughter can distract patients from pain. And it can give them a sense of control they otherwise might not have. However, he has also noted that the dying patients are usually the ones cracking the jokes themselves.

Many experts agree that they don’t know if laughter will necessarily increase longevity directly. However, they definitely agree that it will certainly make your life better as long as you live it. Additionally, those who are funny will ultimately attract others within their community. We’re generally attracted to humorous people. And social connections are crucial to a long life. But as Carl Reiner simply states, “Keep laughing. You’ll live forever”.