Accepting help as a family caregiver can be hard. You may not know where to turn or what to ask of others. Nearly 40 million Americans are a caregiver for an elderly family member. The complex tasks such as managing medications, and helping with a variety of daily living tasks can be daunting. Often, family members have very little or no training in their caregiving tasks. Therefore, knowing when and how to accept help is crucial.

NPR suggests accepting help in bite sized pieces when you’re a family caregiver. When help is offered, it’s important to accept it. Especially after a crisis strikes, such as a fall or an illness diagnosis. Usually right after a crisis, friends and family members rush in to offer help. Yet when they ask, “is there anything I can do?”, the question itself can feel overwhelming. This is where the bite sized pieces of help comes in. For example, if someone offers to provide a meal, ask for a specific day and time.

Additionally, ask for what you need. Each caregiver will need different forms of help depending on their family member’s condition. Whether you need help with grocery shopping, transportation, or house cleaning, don’t be afraid to ask. Others are likely more willing and eager to help than you realize.

Furthermore, hiring paid help doesn’t need to be an all or nothing concept. You can still provide care for your aging loved one, and hire help for tasks you’re unable to do or under qualified for. Maybe you want to focus on physical care. In that case, consider hiring help for the cleaning and cooking, Or perhaps your loved one needs help during the night. Consider hiring an overnight caregiver. Companies like Arizona Elder Care can help you find what you need.

Overall, the main takeaway should be to do your homework. Figure out what resources are available to fit your needs. And never feel guilty or weak for accepting help. If you need assistance acquiring resources and support, Arizona Elder Care is happy guide you in the right direction. Give us a call at 928-639-1583.