For younger folks, taking a trip out of the house isn’t something special. Most leave the house every day for work, school, or other engagements. However, the value of taking trips outside the home for seniors is underestimated. Life typically slows down as we age. Enjoyable activities like going to a movie or museum often require more of an effort. Yet researchers from University College London have made some important discoveries. In fact, there are numerous benefits of what they call “cultural engagements”. In particular, the mental health benefits of cultural engagements can be clearly seen. Venturing outside the home can require more planning and effort as we age. Therefore, knowing how it can help you is important.

Most people are aware that eating healthy and exercising regularly are great ways to improve mental health. On the other hand, many don’t realize the significant value that cultural engagements can have. Especially when it comes to preventing depression. Consumer Affairs explains how and why cultural engagements can improve mental health in seniors. Whether it’s museums, art galleries or movies, they can all play a powerful role.

Over 30 percent of adults in America currently take medication for depression. It can be necessary for our well-being. Seniors often have less to do than when they worked or had young children to care for. Depression may be a result of the diminished feeling of productivity. That being said, researchers have found evidence that cultural activities can help too.

One study showed that seniors who went to concerts once per month were 50 percent less likely to develop depression. And not surprisingly, the more people engaged in such activities, the greater the benefits. Why are cultural activities so helpful for older adult’s mental health? Researchers attribute it to light physical activity and social interaction. Furthermore, the mental stimulation and creative aspects of cultural engagements play a role too.

Depression is a common issue in seniors. But just getting out of the house some days may seem like an impossible task. Have a family member or caregiver accompany you on these fun outings. Maybe walking around a museum seems like too much for you. In that case, try simply going to a park to sit and enjoy nature. This can have similar benefits. Overall, just be active. You may choose to engage culturally or just enjoy nature. Either way, the benefits are invaluable for seniors.