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So far Arizona Elder Care has created 237 blog entries.

Socializing Can Help You Live Longer

What do you think are the secrets to living a long life? We often overlook the importance of connecting with others. According to Susan Pinker in this TED Talk, the key to longevity could lie in your social life. Socializing can help you live a longer life. And no, we don't mean those text messages you send to your friend occasionally. Susan Pinker states that the quality of your face [...]

By |2017-10-17T13:07:50-07:00October 19th, 2017|Aging, Health, Socializing|Comments Off on Socializing Can Help You Live Longer

We Never “Get Over” Grief

We never "get over" grief. Some think the hardest part is watching your parent or loved one die. But that is often just the beginning. In this heart wrenching article (with some strong language) from Scary Mommy, Christine Burke says grief is not a process. It is a journey. And it is a painful, powerful, full of cursing kind of journey that she writes about. Of course, the pain and [...]

By |2017-10-17T12:26:15-07:00October 17th, 2017|Death, Giving back, Grieving|Comments Off on We Never “Get Over” Grief

Helping Your Parents Downsize

Helping your parents downsize is difficult. Sorting through piles of stuff is not the only hard part. Talking to your parents about sorting through their belongings can also be a challenge. We all collect items throughout our lives. Some have sentimental value like the box of my grandmother's china that has been carefully stored in our garage for 16 years. Others are just collecting dust, like the statuary cobra my [...]

By |2017-10-12T12:33:11-07:00October 12th, 2017|Aging|Comments Off on Helping Your Parents Downsize

Finding Love Despite Old Age

Finding love despite old age is something many older adults don't even consider. For Gertrude Mokotoff, 98, and Alvin Mann, 94, their first date was only the beginning of their lives together. Fining love so late in life may seem impossible. But for Gertrude and Alvin, it came naturally. The New York Times tells the touching story of this couple. She was introduced to him at 90 years old. According to Gertrude, [...]

By |2017-09-27T12:03:18-07:00October 4th, 2017|Aging, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Finding Love Despite Old Age

Using Technology for Seniors to Age in Place

Using technology for seniors to age in place can help keep seniors safer. Families often feel more at ease with technology aimed at keeping the aging population safe. They know that their loved one is safer by being monitored while staying independent in their home. This USA Today reports on some technology advances that can help seniors who wish to stay at home. We use a variety of technologies with our [...]

By |2017-09-27T12:28:45-07:00October 2nd, 2017|Aging, Caregiving, independence|Comments Off on Using Technology for Seniors to Age in Place

Dementia: Sharing Stories Helps Couples

Sharing stories helps couples facing dementia. The patient diagnosed with dementia is not the only one affected. Their partner shares the burden as well. The New York Times reports one way people can cope is by sharing stories. An eight week storytelling workshop at Northwestern University is helping couples facing dementia. Each week, the couples are assigned a specific prompt to write about their lives together. They are then able to share the [...]

By |2017-09-27T12:16:54-07:00September 28th, 2017|Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia|Comments Off on Dementia: Sharing Stories Helps Couples

Making Use of Hospice Care before Death

Making use of hospice care before death could be highly beneficial. What do you think of when you hear about hospice care? If you are like most Americans, you think of hospice as just for those who are actively dying. Yet making use of hospice care long before death is something that could be highly beneficial. Hospice is designed to provide relief from symptoms such as nausea, pain and anxiety. Most of the [...]

By |2017-09-26T10:10:26-07:00September 26th, 2017|Aging, Caregiving, Death|Comments Off on Making Use of Hospice Care before Death

Symptoms of Dying

Knowing the symptoms of dying can offer peace of mind to both our loved one and ourselves as we go through this rite of passage. Whether we die from cancer, heart disease or a stroke, the process can be similar towards the end of life. The symptoms of dying are usually not as painful as we expect and anticipate. The New York Times reports that dying is a diagnosis in itself. There [...]

By |2017-09-15T13:24:18-07:00September 22nd, 2017|Aging, Death, Medicine|Comments Off on Symptoms of Dying

Increasing Your Physical Activity

Increasing your physical activity later in life can greatly reduce the risk of many diseases according to NPR. How many hours per day do you sit? Let's say you commute to work, sit at a desk at work for eight hours, then commute home. You are probably exhausted after all that. So you may decide to binge watch your favorite show on Netflix and order takeout. If this is the [...]

By |2017-09-15T11:06:39-07:00September 20th, 2017|Aging, Exercise|Comments Off on Increasing Your Physical Activity

Too Old or Unsafe to Drive

Are your parents too old to drive? Is it unsafe for them to drive? Are you worried about the amount of accidents they are having? Are you worried that they might severely injure themselves or others? This New York Times article reports that many baby boomers, and even their parents, are still driving. The ability to continue driving later in life can foster a sense of independence that can reduce feelings [...]

By |2017-09-18T10:44:08-07:00September 18th, 2017|Aging, independence|Comments Off on Too Old or Unsafe to Drive
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