Connecting Older Adults with Students

College is for younger folks, right? Yes, the majority of the population you'll find on a college campus is in the younger generations. Most older adults don't even consider connecting with college students. But there is a new program funded by The Council of Independent Colleges and the AARP Foundation. This program, known as Intergenerational Connections, connects lower income older adults with college students. Together, they work on topics such [...]

By |2019-10-09T10:01:09-07:00October 11th, 2019|Aging, Giving back, Socializing|Comments Off on Connecting Older Adults with Students

Veteran Benefits

Did you know that if you served in the United States armed forces, you could qualify for benefits? These benefits can include help with the costs of assisted living, as well as some in-home support. However, the veteran population is often under served in this aspect due to lack of knowledge of the options. Assisted living and nursing care can put a financial burden on the senior and their family. [...]

By |2019-09-15T11:00:45-07:00September 15th, 2019|Aging, Assisted Living, Financial Matters|Comments Off on Veteran Benefits

Supplements for Brain Health: Are They Worth It?

The worry of brain related illnesses increases as we age. Older Americans fear Alzheimer's and dementia more than any other age-related illness. Therefore, it's no wonder so many aging adults have turned to dietary supplements to improve their odds. Claims such as "supports healthy brain function" or "improves mental alertness" are hard to pass up. However, extremely little research has shown brain health supplements to be at all effective. In [...]

By |2019-08-27T00:00:08-07:00September 12th, 2019|Aging, Health, Medicine|Comments Off on Supplements for Brain Health: Are They Worth It?

Thinking About Leaving a Legacy

We all hope to be remembered once we're gone. When you think of leaving a legacy, do you think solely of the financial aspects? Leaving a large estate to your children is certainly one great way to leave a legacy. However, the amount of money you leave behind is not necessarily the most important part. And whether we like it or not, we are all leaving a legacy. Of course, [...]

By |2019-08-26T23:40:48-07:00September 2nd, 2019|Aging, End of Life, Giving back, Planning|Comments Off on Thinking About Leaving a Legacy

Early Onset Alzheimer’s: “A Place Called Pluto”

Greg O'Brien is 60 years old. And he has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. Greg was once an accomplished journalist. He valued his intellect and knowledge more than anything. Therefore, he intends to remain a journalist as long as he can. In pursuit of this goal, he has created a short documentary, called A Place Called Pluto. In sharing his journey, he hopes to leave his family with something. As [...]

By |2019-08-20T13:13:54-07:00August 26th, 2019|Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, Family|Comments Off on Early Onset Alzheimer’s: “A Place Called Pluto”

Kindness Benefits Aging Bodies and Brains

When someone holds the door for you or gives you a compliment, how does that make you feel? The answer is probably something similar to feeling valued, supported, or loved. But did you know if you make acts of kindness a regular habit, it can actually benefit your own health? The health benefits of kindness have been studied, and the findings are promising. It may seem like common sense that [...]

By |2019-07-21T13:47:42-07:00August 12th, 2019|Aging, Giving back, Health|Comments Off on Kindness Benefits Aging Bodies and Brains

Views on What it Means to Grow Old

We live in a society that has mixed views on aging. Therefore, defining what it means to grow old can be complicated. Does it have to do with genetics? Lifestyle? Attitude? Exercise routines and diets? Or its age simply an objective number? The answer is never cut and dry. It is likely a mixture of all of the above. It may also depend on the age of the person you [...]

By |2019-07-05T23:38:39-07:00August 1st, 2019|Aging, Aging Issues|Comments Off on Views on What it Means to Grow Old

Senior Care: Expect the Unexpected

When it comes to senior care, expect the unexpected. Many adult children walk on eggshells, tiptoe around the topic, or avoid it all together. In fact, a recent survey showed just how much of an issue this can be. A shocking 55 percent of family caregivers don't plan on discussing the topic until there is a dire need. In addition, 64 percent of seniors are not budgeting or saving for [...]

By |2019-06-14T10:00:27-07:00July 11th, 2019|Aging, Health, Long Term Care, Planning|Comments Off on Senior Care: Expect the Unexpected

Boosting Mental Health in Seniors

When you think of illnesses affecting seniors, what comes to mind?  You might think of conditions like arthritis, dementia, or strokes. These are all common physical ailments. But mental illnesses in the aging population are more prevalent than we realize. The National Alliance on Mental Illness says that more than 6.5 million American seniors suffer from depression. In addition, 13.5 percent of those needing in-home assistance experienced significant depression. Yet [...]

By |2019-06-14T08:18:18-07:00July 8th, 2019|Aging, Health|Comments Off on Boosting Mental Health in Seniors

Planning for Care as You Age

Contributing to your 401(k) is important when preparing for retirement. In addition, many people begin researching exciting things like the best cities for retirement. On the other hand, there are "not so fun" topics we should all consider like planning for care as you age. Especially if you don't have children who can provide care. Elder orphans are seniors who live with no spouse, children, and little other support. They [...]

By |2019-06-10T10:29:08-07:00June 10th, 2019|Aging, Caregiving, Planning|Comments Off on Planning for Care as You Age
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