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So far Arizona Elder Care has created 237 blog entries.

Health Benefits of Pets for Seniors

When Lynette Whiteman's daughter went to college, she decided to get a dog. She called this pet her empty nest dog. Besides having someone else to care for, she stated that her new friend loved her non-judgmentally and didn't care if she gained weight or got gray hair. This is just one reason people adore their pets. Yet the benefits of seniors having a furry friend can be life changing. [...]

By |2019-03-29T12:49:11-07:00April 11th, 2019|Aging, Health, Socializing|Comments Off on Health Benefits of Pets for Seniors

Preparing for a Good End of Life

According to a 2017 Kaiser Foundation study, 7 in 10 Americans wish to die at home. Contrary to this desire, half die in nursing homes and hospitals. Pain is a major barrier to a peaceful death, with half of Americans dying with uncontrolled pain. All this can lead to fear and a denial of death. But the good news is that there are ways to go about preparing for a [...]

By |2019-03-29T12:40:38-07:00April 8th, 2019|Aging, Death, End of Life|Comments Off on Preparing for a Good End of Life

Defining “Old”

There are currently around 70 million baby boomers. Some are hyper-focused on maintaining youthfulness.  Or at the least, delaying what they consider to be old. There are countless self-help books and articles based off this topic. However, what is "old" anyway? Defining "old" is vastly different to almost every person you ask. Factors such as health, cognitive function, and disability will play a role. But in reality, the definition of [...]

By |2019-03-29T12:28:30-07:00April 4th, 2019|Aging, Aging Issues|Comments Off on Defining “Old”

Granting Wishes to Nursing Home Residents

At times, nursing homes can be sad, isolating, and lonely for seniors. Between the loss of independence and loss of capacity to care for yourself, depression can set in. Luckily, in northwest Arkansas there is a gem of a child named Ruby Chitsey. Ruby enjoys going to work with her mom at a local nursing home. This may not seem like anything special. But what she does is nothing short [...]

By |2019-03-26T15:08:25-07:00April 1st, 2019|Aging, Giving back|Comments Off on Granting Wishes to Nursing Home Residents

Creating an Aging Plan

If your aging loved one is doing well, it's easy to put off planning for the future. Especially if they are in good health and able to care for themselves still. Yet waiting for a crisis to strike is never a good idea. Think of how you treat your car. It may not have squeaky breaks or leaking oil. But you probably still take it in for regular maintenance. Not [...]

By |2019-03-26T14:57:09-07:00March 28th, 2019|Aging, Aging Life Care Management, Planning|Comments Off on Creating an Aging Plan

Hobbies for Seniors with Limited Mobility

Seniors often have limited mobility. It could be due to conditions like strokes, arthritis, or injuries from falls. In addition, even the normal aging process can take a toll on our ability to move like we used to. Whatever the cause may be, hobbies and activities you once enjoyed do not have to end. Most of them can be modified in some way to accommodate your limitations as you age. [...]

By |2019-03-13T17:00:34-07:00March 25th, 2019|Aging Issues, Exercise, Mobility, Socializing|Comments Off on Hobbies for Seniors with Limited Mobility

Palliative Care and Hospice Care

You have probably heard the terms palliative care and hospice care. You know both are commonly used in the aging population. Both forms of care revolve around ensuring comfort. Providing pain management. Both can help improve quality of life. You may need palliative care or hospice care for a loved one. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference. Care.com breaks down the similarities and differences for us. Both palliative [...]

By |2019-03-13T16:51:23-07:00March 21st, 2019|Aging Issues, End of Life, Hospice|Comments Off on Palliative Care and Hospice Care

The Basics of Senior Care Communities

Are you thinking of long-term care or a senior living community? Whether it's for you or your loved one, it can be a little confusing. There are so many types. Each offer different kinds of amenities and services.  Knowing you or your loved one's specific needs is the first step. Learning the basics of senior care communities will inform your life choices as you age. This Next Avenue article helps [...]

By |2019-03-18T12:00:17-07:00March 18th, 2019|Aging, Assisted Living, Long Term Care|Comments Off on The Basics of Senior Care Communities

Protecting Finances for Seniors

Our society is becoming more and more technologically advanced. While this is a great way to oversee finances, unfortunately seniors fall victim to financial scams far too often. Older Americans have the highest rates of fraud. In any given year, they make up nearly 25 percent of fraud complaints. Due to these unfortunate statistics, protecting finances for seniors is crucial. This article from Lend EDU says to pay attention to [...]

By |2019-03-13T16:07:26-07:00March 18th, 2019|Aging Issues, Financial Matters, Planning|Comments Off on Protecting Finances for Seniors

Grieving for Aging Parents

A lot of us think of our parents as capable and strong. We think of them as they once were when we were young. There are thousands of books, websites, and articles on helping your aging parents. But there are far fewer resources available to help you through the variety of emotions you're bound to experience as your parents age. As their health declines, baby boomers watch their parents and [...]

By |2019-03-13T15:19:20-07:00March 15th, 2019|Aging, Aging Issues, Family, Grieving|Comments Off on Grieving for Aging Parents
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